Company Overview

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마이체크업 | MyCheckup





Company Overview

Company Overview

마이체크업 | MyCheckup
We empower individuals by maximizing the utilization of their Health Data to provide the highest value
  • 대표이사
    Kyoung Kon Kim
  • 설립일
    Establish Date
  • 본사소재지
    Headquarters location
    (07985) MyCheckup Co., Ltd. 801, MCC B Building Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, 1071 Anyangcheon-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • 주요서비스
    Major Business
    Health Checkup Service Automation
    Mobile Healthcare Service Platform
    Personal Health Data Exchange Platform
    Clinical trial participant recruitment agency
  • 자본금
    2.8 billion
  • 인증 현황
    Certification Status
    Corporate Research Institute
    Inno-biz Certification
    Venture Business Certification
    Designated as a Hi-Seoul Enterprise
    Selected as a Promising Leading Company in Seoul's Four Major Future Growth Industries
We empower individuals by maximizing
the utilization of their
Health Data to provide
the highest value
  • instagram
  • facebook
  • youtube

Tel. 02-2646-0050

Fax. 02-2646-6816

(07985) MyCheckup Co., Ltd.
801, MCC B Building Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital,
1071 Anyangcheon-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
Copyright © 2024 MyCheckup Co.,Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.