Mision & Vision

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Mision & Vision

Mision & Vision

Supporting a healthier life through healthcare service infrastructure and systems

  • Mission & vision

    Providing innovative healthcare services based
    on health data utilizing advanced technology

  • Mission & vision

    Extending individual health lifespan and realizing
    a healthier society through customized health management

  • Mission & vision

    Strengthening user control over data and protecting personal
    information to establish consumer data sovereignty

We empower individuals by maximizing
the utilization of their
Health Data to provide
the highest value
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Tel. 02-2646-0050

Fax. 02-2646-6816

(07985) MyCheckup Co., Ltd.
801, MCC B Building Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital,
1071 Anyangcheon-ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
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All Rights Reserved.